Akūta un hroniska caureja suņiem un kaķiem; nukleotīdu lietošana

Sadarbībā ar Pharmacross aicinām pieteikties uz bezmaksas vebināru “Akūta un hroniska caureja suņiem un kaķiem; nukleotīdu lietošana”.

🗓 18.maijā
⏰ 19:00 (pēc LV laika)
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Vebināru vadīs: Dr XAVIER ROURA

DVM, PhD, Dipl ECVIM-CA @‌Hospital Clínic Veterinari Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – [email protected]

Vebinārs tiks reģistrēts LVB kā kvalifikācijas celšanas pasākums.

Reģistrējies vebināram te: https://forms.gle/yzTqxiZa77AFwWK17

🧑🏻‍💻Vairāk par semināru:

Acute and chronic diarrhea in dogs and cats is frequent but challenge clinical situations due to the few published evidence about their best management.

In many cases of acute diarrhea in dogs and cats there are not a diagnosis, has not complications and cure with a simple dietary treatment.

The majority of dogs and cats with acute diarrhea doesn’t need the use of antibiotics because are self-limiting.

A complete clinical history together with physical examination and minimum laboratory database is enough to obtain adequate information to decide if it’s a complicate or not-complicate acute diarrhea in most cases.

The most frequent chronic diarrhea in dog and cats is food responsive enteropathy.

In dogs, the most frequent enteropathies are in order of frequency: food responsive, antibiotic responsive and steroid responsive diarrhea. In cats looks that they have not antibiotic responsive enteropathy.

The use of prebiotics, probiotics and nucleotides could be a good alternative in the majority of acute diarrhea instead the use of antibiotics.

🧑🏻‍⚕️ Vairāk par Dr XAVIER ROURA:

Dr Roura is a veterinarian of the Hospital Clínic Veterinari at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). Dr. Roura received his DVM from UAB in 1989. From 1990 to 1991 he completed an internship at the HCV at the UAB. He received his PhD in 1999. He was Board Certified from the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in 2004. From 1991 until present he has been working as a clinical instructor at the HCV at the UAB. He is member of the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) and Canine Leishmaniosis Working Group. Dr Roura has been veterinary visitant of the Veterinary Teaching Hospitals of Ohio State (1993), North Carolina State (1997, 2001 and 2004), and Animal Medical Center of New York (2007). He has lectured in conferences and authored book chapters and more than 80 peer-review scientific publications in the areas of infectious diseases (specially vector-borne diseases) and internal medicine in dogs and cats.